Analysis of gene expression in Dictyostelium



An interactive, exploratory data analytics web-app that provides access to gene expression experiments in Dictyostelium by Baylor College of Medicine.

Expression Time Series demoGene Ontology Enrichment


Time series

Plot and explore RNA-seq gene expressions of D. discoideum and D. purpureum


Find clusters of expressed genes and play with Gene Ontology enrichment analysis


Compare gene expression across different strains and explore cell-type specific expressions

Mouse click

Interactive design with clickable plots where selections propagate to other modules


Experiment and Gene Selection module

The Experiment and Gene selection module sets the experiment and a set of genes for the analysis.

Citing dictyExpress

Stajdohar M, Rosengarten RD, Kokosar J, Jeran L, Blenkus D, Shaulsky G, Zupan B. "dictyExpress: a web-based platform for sequence data management and analytics in Dictyostelium and beyond." BMC Bioinformatics. 2017. 18(1):291


Transcriptional milestones in Dictyostelium development

Katoh-Kurasawa M, Hrovatin K, Hirose S, Webb A, Ho H, Zupan B, Shaulsky G

Genome Research 2021

The long noncoding RNA transcriptome of Dictyostelium discoideum development

Rosengarten RD, Santhanam B, Kokosar J, Shaulsky G

Genes|Genomes|Genetics (G3) 2017

The GATA transcription factor gene gtaG is required for terminal differentiation in Dictyostelium

Katoh-Kurasawa M, Santhanam B, Shaulsky G

Journal of Cell Science 2016

Terpene synthase genes in eukaryotes beyond
plants and fungi: Occurrence in social amoebae

Chen X, Köllner TG, Jia Q, Norris A, Santhanam B, Rabe P, Dickschat JS, Shaulsky G, Gershenzon J, Chen F

PNAS 2016

Leaps and lulls in the developmental transcriptome of Dictyostelium discoideum

Rosengarten RD, Santhanam B, Fuller D, Katoh-Kurasawa M, Loomis WF, Zupan B, Shaulsky G

BMC Genomics 2015

The GATA transcription factor GtaC regulates early developmental gene expression dynamics in Dictyostelium

Santhanam B, Cai H, Devreotes PN, Shaulsky G, Katoh-Kurasawa M

Nature Communications 2015

Conserved developmental transcriptomes
in evolutionary divergent species

Parikh A, Miranda ER, Katoh-Kurasawa M, Fuller D, Rot G, Zagar L, Curk T, Sucgang R, Chen R, Zupan B, Loomis WF, Kuspa A, Shaulsky G

Genome Biology 2010


dictyExpress was built in collaboration with
Bioinformatics Laboratory at University of Ljubljana
Gad Shaulsky's and Adam Kuspa's labs at Baylor College of Medicine

Powered by Genialis

Baylor College of MedicineUniversity of LjubljanaGenialis

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